Monday, September 7, 2009

Tell us what you think! What do you like? What can we improve on? Your input is valuable to us!


Libby Design said...

We'd love for the staff directory to be a picture directory similar to the photo board in the entrance of Albertville Primary. Other than that, we've been VERY impressed with all the staff we've worked with over the past 3 years in ECSE - keep up the great work!!

Ann-Marie Foucault said...

Thanks for your thoughts! Posting staff photos is a wonderful idea! We do have photos of staff on the AP web site under “staff photos.” Due to confidentiality, I cannot place staff names on the web site next to the pictures though. Thanks for your comment. -Ann-Marie

Melissa Brutger said...

I am a parent of 3 young childen (3.5, and twins who are 15 mos.)We live in Hanover and are right on border of the STMA or Buffalo school districts.

I have two questions/concerns:

1) My oldest son has a summer birthday and we're already talking about whether to send him to K-garten at age 5 or wait another year until he's 6. I've heard that some school districts offer a "Kindergarten II" class for the kids that have gone through a year of kindergarten, but are not yet ready for 1st grade. They can go to "Kindergarten II" where it's a step above Kindergarten, but not quite as intense as 1st grade. Have you heard of this kind of program or ever considered it for STMA?
2) My entire K-12 education never started earlier than 8:20am. I have concerns about the fact that AM kindergarten begins at 7:45am. Is there some information available as to why classes begin so early in the day? I'm sure there have been big discussions about this and I would be interested in the reasoning behind the early start.

Thank you for your time in addressing my questions.

Ann-Marie Foucault said...

Hi Melissa. We have a few similar programs that I belive will meet your son's needs. I’ve outlined three below.

First, I believe in being proactive versus reactive. To that end, I started a Summer Bridges program last year for incoming kindergartners who need an extra "boost." The program was very successful as the students who attended got a chance to practice kindergarten skills prior to kindergarten. They also learned kindergarten procedures and became familiar with the building and staff. Summer Bridges is taught by Primary kindergarten teachers and has a teacher to student ratio of 1:10. It is held for three weeks in July.

We also offer Kindergarten Climbers to our ½ day students who are not at grade level. This takes place during the year and is an intense language arts session that runs for approximately 11 weeks. Students receive approximately 90 hours of literacy help with a certified teacher. Climbers involves our ½ day students staying for the entire day two days per week. Data from this program has been very positive.

Further, we offer summer school to kindergartners going to first grade who need a little extra help. This is for three weeks in June and focuses on reading and math skills.

In response to your second question regarding school start times, this issue was reviewed by a parent and community group a few years ago. STMA times are based on current research that tells us that elementary students achieve better when they start early while secondary students achieve better when they start later. (Google Dr. Kyla Wahlstrom or Dr. Mary Carskadon as they have done lots of research on start times).

I hope this info helps!Call or e-mail me if you'd like a tour. I'd be happy to tell you more about our world class kindergarten center.
